Final accounts

Final accounts 2018
Donor account MATCHUP
Donation - MEPSO account
Loan account - MSIP50
Budget of the City of Skopje
Donor Account - BIN2GRID
Donor Account - EPIKURO ECHO
Donor Account - KREATE
Donor Account - SOCIJALKAR
Donation Account - GIZ
Donation of street lighting EPC
Dedicated Account - Revenue
Dedicated account - Expenditure
Dedicated account - Culture
Authority of the City of Skopje
Dedicated account - AVRM, UNDP
Deposit account
Loan account - MSIP40
Donor Account - ROCK
Donor Account - EUKANET
Donor Account - CREART
Account - JP State Roads
Donor account EPIKURO
Financial support of ELS
SUGS Marija Kiri Skladovska
Final accounts 2017
Donation account ACHELOUS
Donation - FUPOL account
Loan account - MSIP50
Budget of the City of Skopje
Donor Account - BIN2GRID
Donor Account - EPIKURO ECHO
Donor Account - KREATE
Donor Account - SOCIJALKAR
Donation - ELEKTRA
Donation - RE-SEETIES
Donation of street lighting EPC
Dedicated Account - Revenue
Dedicated account - Expenditure
Dedicated account - Culture
Authority of the City of Skopje
Account donations - SINERGIS
Deposit account
Loan account - MSIP40
Credit Account - Efficient Traffic
Donor Account - ROCK
Donor Account - EUKANET
Donor Account - CREART
Account - JP State Roads
Account - ZOO Skopje
Donor account EPIKURO
SUGS "Marija Kiri - Skladovska"
Final accounts 2016
Donor account ACHELOUS
Donation - Account FUPOL
Loan account - MSIP50
Employment agency
State Roads Agency
Budget of the City of Skopje
Donor Account - BIN2GRID
Donor Account - EPIKURO
Donor Account - KREATE
Donor Account - SOCIJALKAR
Donor account DECIDE
Donation - ELEKTRA
Donation - RE-SEETIES
Donation of street lighting EPC
Target Account - Revenue
Target Account - Expenditure
Dedicated account culture
Authority of the City of Skopje
Account donations - SINERGIS
Deposit account
Donation account - SVEP
Multilevel garage loan account
Loan account - MSIP03-2
Loan account - MSIP40
Credit Account - Efficient Traffic
Account for JU City Library "Brakja Miladinovci"
Youth Cultural Center "MKC"
JU Children's Youth Center "Karposh"
House of Culture "Koco Racin"
SUGS "Marija Kiri Sklodovska"