Department for Employment, Promotion, Mobility and Employment Rights and Responsibilities;
Department for motivation, assessment, professional training and improvement;

The Human resources management department carries out the work related to methodological, organizational and technical support in the preparation of acts for internal organization and systematization of jobs, planning and staffing of human resources, filling of jobs through employment through public or internal advertisement , redeployment, mobility, assessment and analysis of training needs, planning of trainings, delivery and evaluation of trainings, perception of the value of the quality of the trainings carried out, evaluation of employees, career progress of each employee such as promotion, activation and motivation and maintenance of human resources, care for a high level of motivation and ethics and monitoring the application of the code of ethics of the administrative officers, monitoring and improving the discipline of the administrative officers and conducting the procedures for disciplinary and material responsibility, entering and updating data to the employees of HRMIS electronic system for human resources, professional-operational and logistical support in the preparation of all types of acts arising from the Law on Administrative Officers, the Law on Employees in the Public Sector and other legal regulations in the field of labor relations and other by-laws, makes regular contacts with other heads of departments, organizes and realizes cooperation with other institutions for matters in this area.


Head of department: Valentina Gorgievska

Phone: +389 2 3297 274


Working hours: 08.30-16.30