According to the Law on Protection of Patients 'Rights (Official Gazette of RM no. 82/2008, 12/2009), according to which municipalities and the City of Skopje are obliged to establish a permanent Commission and to open an office for promotion of patients' rights, in accordance with the regulations in the area of local self-government, the City of Skopje, at the 46th session held on 07.07.2011, adopted the Decision for establishing a Commission for promotion of the patients' rights.
The Commission is composed of nine members, elected by the City Council of Skopje, as follows: patient representatives - members of patient associations, two representatives of NGOs dealing with human rights and civil initiatives, two doctors and three members delegated by the City Council of Skopje. The term of office of the members of the Commission shall be two years with the right to one further consecutive election.
The Commission has three working groups:
- working group for information and public relations;
- working group on issues in the medical field;
- working group on legal and organizational issues.
Competences of the Commission:
- Promotion of patients' rights and their protection;
- Monitoring and evaluation of the situation with the protection of patients' rights;
- Proposing measures to improve the protection of patients' rights to the competent authorities;
- Cooperation with the competent authorities;
- Reviewing patient complaints and proposing measures to the competent authorities;
- Seeking expertise if it deems it necessary to establish the situation;
- Keeping records of individual complaints of patients, as well as measures taken to protect patients' rights;
- Prepare and issue a report on the protection of patients' rights before the Municipal Council or the City of Skopje;
- Publishing information, promotional and other material for the purpose of promoting the rights of patients and
- Performing other duties prescribed by the Law on Protection of Patients' Rights.
The Commission carries out its responsibilities by: holding regular and emergency sessions, organizing forums, publications, educational campaigns, electronic and printed materials and other supplementary activities, contacts with representatives of similar bodies or bodies from the country and abroad for the purpose of undertaking joint work. activities, exchange of experiences, ideas and cooperation, as well as solving / clarifying specific issues.
The Commission works on the basis of written and oral complaints: individual patient complaints and complaints from Citizens' Associations. The Commission also works on cases on its own initiative if it considers that there is a violation of patients' rights.
The duties of the members of the Committee are:
- Regular and active participation in the meetings of the Commission;
- Preparation and implementation of a Commission work plan with a timeframe;
- Preparation of the Rules of Procedure of the Commission and other acts;
- Monitoring and evaluation of the situation with the protection of patients' rights;
- Reviewing patient complaints and proposing measures to improve the protection of patients' rights to the competent authorities;
- Prepare and issue a report on the protection of patients' rights before the City Council of Skopje;
- Preparation of information, promotional and other material for the promotion of patients' rights;
- Implementation of other activities for promotion of patients' rights and their protection.

Office for promotion of patients' rights
Shack 2
Bul. Ilinden No. 82
The City of Skopje
Phone. 02 3297 278