Projects of the City of Skopje

CASCADE is a 3-year project (2011-2014) of networking and mutual learning on local energy leadership. It supports cities in delivering the European Union 2020 targets for energy and climate change.

Coordinated by EUROCITIES, the project involves 19 large European cities as partners as well as thematic experts Koucky & Partners and Wuppertal Institute. The project has a budget of €2 Million, with 75% of that being financed by the EU.

With a focus of three thematic areas (energy efficiency in buildings & districts; renewable energy sources & distributed energy generation; and energy in urban transport), the project aims to:

  • Improve and accelerate the implementation of Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs);
  • Ensure meaningful and sustained learning and sharing of good practices between cities; and
  • Promote the position of cities as crucial actors for knowledge transfer within their country.

Through large-scale networking, mutual learning and best practice sharing activities, the CASCADE project will inspire improvements in the implementation of sustainable energy policies in large and medium European cities.

City of Skopje joined the CASCADE partner cities in a programme of exchange activities (study tours, mentoring visits and work shadowing) aimed at improving the delivery of local energy policies.

In the period of 11-13.06.2013 was realized the study visit to Malmo, Sweden, aiming the best practice and knowledge exchange in planning  and realization of EE measures in buildings and the policies for financing such measures.