SWEB “Secure, interoperable cross border m-services contributing towards a trustful European cooperation with the non-EU member Western Balkan countries” project is to develop secure prototype technologies ensuring their applicability in non-advanced infrastructures, implementing country-specific dissemination activities for their potential redeployment and broad application.
SWEB develops new “mGovernment” tools and services affordable by the Small Governmental Organizations (SMGOs), enhancing trustful cooperation with the neighboring Western Balkans appropriate for all low-budgeted infrastructures hosted in SMGOs.
SWEB is a technological project driven from the needs arising in the policy field. Security, interoperability and safety are the most important European policy objectives that SWEB directly addresses. SWEB adopts a bottom up approach by improving the security of the public infrastructures of the regional societies; it improves the secure e/m-exchange of documents of the public sector among and between EU and non-EU regions. It contributes towards the solution of pan European problems (e.g. safety, secure document exchange, invoicing).
The upcoming integration of non-EU members makes the secure exchange of public documents an urgent matter in order to accelerate its harmonization with the European public processes and financial auditing procedures. SWEB results will have high impact on secure e/m government in strengthening operational secure co-operation and exchange of information.