The role of the mayor

The Mayor represents and represents the City of Skopje. For its work the Mayor answers to the citizens of the City of Skopje. Competencies of the Mayor:
- promulgates the acts of the Council and publishes them in the "Official Gazette of the City of Skopje";
- takes care and ensures the execution of the acts of the Council;
- takes care of the performance of the works that are entrusted to the City of Skopje by law;
- proposes to the Council decision-making and other general acts within its competence;
- manages administrative and administrative bodies and services of the City;
- manages the property of the City in accordance with the statute;
- appoints and dismisses chief architect;
- proposes to the Council the appointment and dismissal of management bodies of public services, institutions and enterprises established by the City;
- appoints and dismisses managers of the administrative, or administrative bodies of the City of Skopje;
- adopt acts for which it is authorized by law, city statute or act of the Council;
- performs other activities determined by law and the Statute of the City of Skopje.
The mayor cooperates with the mayors of the municipalities of the City of Skopje, in order to build common positions, determine common priorities and undertake joint actions on certain issues and problems of interest to the City as a whole.