Public enterprises

Public Enterprise "Parks and Greenery" is the oldest company in the country that deals with greenery in all its types and emerging forms
PE "Parks and Greenery" in the present structure was established by the City of Skopje and has been operating as an independent company since January 1, 1993, after the disintegration of JKP "Komunalec".
As a public company, it cares for the maintenance and development of greenery in the city, as a complex task requiring financial resources and engagement of trained, professional and quality professional staff in the field.
The total green area of the City, for which PE “Parks and Greenery” is responsible, is 51.110.295m2, of which the city greenery covers an area of 3.784.295 and the off-site greenery is 47.326.000.

Address:Bul. Ilindenska bb
Phone: 02 3062293
Phone: 02 3070112 / 3064688
Fax: 02 3070115
Postcode: 437

PE City Parking - Skopje is established by the Council of the City of Skopje and in accordance with the Law on Public Enterprises in the performance of activities of public interest, respects the principles of: security of service provision, continuity and quality of service, transparency, availability and universal service, protection users and consumers.
The Public Parking Company for Public Parking City Parking - Skopje exists in order to organize the traffic on hold ie to manage, manage and maintain parking spaces in the city; to remove illegally stopped, parked and wrecked vehicles from public transport and green areas in the city.
According to the pre-defined Program and Work Plan, the Enterprise is organized within the following sectors: Public Parking Sector, Spider Sector, Economy Sector, Marketing and Commerce Sector and Legal and General Affairs Sector.
The Public Enterprise has six special Spider vehicles (three new Spider vehicles purchased in 2007 and three old Spider vehicles), one vehicle storage depot removed from public areas, fifteen closed public parking lots, a zone parking system as well as a Zone Parking Project. which in its current implementation, the Company has provided about 700 more parking spaces in zones.
In its professional, modern and competent approach to the problem of parking, in the field of its activity, namely, in the planning, improvement and development of stationary traffic, the main objective of the Enterprise is to improve the parking service and increase the number of parking places in the city.

Address: Bul.Ilinden bb, postcode. 739
Phone: 02 3091072; 3091074
Fax: 02 3091073

Streets and Roads is a public company established by the City of Skopje that performs activities of special public interest. PE has been doing this business since 1958 as the City Road Administration, a self-financing organization. From 1972 to 1992 it was part of JKP Komunalec - Skopje.
With the 1992 decision to divide this company into several separate companies and with the registration in the court register of the Skopje District Commercial Court of 29 December 1992 PE. Streets and Roads - Skopje began to function as an independent legal entity.
PE Streets and Roads performs activities in accordance with the national classification of activities with the following names and business codes:
- Construction of highways and other highways, airport runways and sports fields
- Landscaping, construction, reconstruction and maintenance of highways, assembly streets, squares and playgrounds
- Maintenance of street traffic signaling
- Maintenance of streets and roads in winter conditions

Address: Str.„Kole Nedelkovski” no.38
Phone Direction: 3162-317
Machinery Sector: 2783-530
Unit Traffic Lights: 3071-948

Public Transport Company - Skopje is a public interest company of the City of Skopje. The main activity is the transportation of passengers in public urban and suburban areas.
The company was created by decree of the Executive People's Board of the City of Skopje on 11.07.1947 and registered on 17.01.1948 under the name Public Bus Company.
By a resolution of the Skopje City Council of 1989 it was reorganized into a Public Transport Company.
The public transport company has a total of 377 buses and runs 75 bus routes, 34 of which are urban and 41 are suburban.

Address: Bul.Aleksandar Makedonski 10, 1000 Skopje
Phone: 3174-264; 3174-260

PE "Communal Hygiene" - Skopje (KXS) was established in 1906 as a special team for the maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene in the city named as "Cleaning Column". Their task was to sweep the streets, the space around the inns and markets, but also to take part in extinguishing fires in the city. In 1911 the cleaning group grew to be called Belgian.
From 1968 until 1992 most of the utilities comprises the Communal Company, and from 1992 onwards. with the reunification of the companies, the current company PE Komunalna Higiena Skopje functions.
The main activity of the company is maintenance of hygiene in the area of the city of Skopje, such as: sweeping and washing the streets, collecting, transporting and disposing of solid municipal and industrial waste, selecting and separating solid municipal waste.

Address: Str."7-mi juli" no:40, 100 Skopje
Phone: 02 3220827
Fax: 02 3118 632

PE "Water Supply and Sewage" - Skopje, collects, purifies and distributes drinking water, drains and wastewater treatment and drainage and discharge of storm water. Through this basic communal activity, PE "Water and Sanitation" is a subject with a leading role in the public interest and in the smooth circulation of urban living.
PE "Water Supply and Sewerage" - Skopje was established by a Decision of the City People's Assembly in 1946, as a City Commercial Company "Vodovod", and with the 1964 Statute. the name is Water and Wastewater Company of Skopje - Skopje.
PE "Water Supply and Sewerage" - Skopje today exploits and maintains approximately 980,000 m of water supply and 750,000 m of sewage.

Phone Direction: 3240-300
Call center: 3073-010, 0800 22555

The Drisla Landfill was built and opened by the City of Skopje in 1994. It is located in the southeastern part of the city of Skopje at a distance of 14 km from the city center.
It covers an area of 76 ha, with a projected capacity of 26,000,000 m3 of municipal waste.
The project documentation is planned to be completed in about 30 years, but in the 16 years so far, it has been completed up to 33% of the total capacity, indicating the fact that the next 30 years have a way of depositing without pre-selection and waste utilization that can serve as a secondary raw material (paper, metal, glass, plastic).
PE"Drisla" - SKOPJE DOO is registered for performing the following activities:
- Processing and disposal of non-hazardous waste
- Collection of hazardous waste
- Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste

Address: str. Ilinden BB, 100 Skopje
Landfill Address: v. Batinci, Municipality of Studenicani, Postcode 34, 1050 Skopje
Phone: 02/2722-400 и 02/2722-500