Public and cultural institutions

The City Library was founded in 1945 and since 1963 has been renamed the "Miladinov Brothers". Since 1974 all libraries in Skopje have been integrated into the "Miladinov Brothers" library.
The City Library "Brothers Miladinovci" is a public institution for culture founded by the City of Skopje. The organization consists of four (4) central libraries, sixteen (16) clones and a mobile library (Bibliobus), distributed throughout the City of Skopje and is a modern library and information service, a regional and educational center.
The library carries out bibliographic - information activity, develops and promotes library production in the city, procures, researches, collects, expertly processes, informs, presents, popularizes and makes available library material.
It holds over one (1) million books, publications, and other library material.
The City Library "Brothers Miladinovci" has a total of 104 staff, of which 78 are librarians. The library develops its activity in the area of the city of Skopje.

Address: st "Partizanski odredi" no.22
Phone: + 389 (0) 2/ 3162 544
Fax:+ 389 (0) 2/ 3127 016

The Cultural Information Center - Skopje has been in existence since 1967 and since then successfully upgrades Macedonian culture through all genres of art in our country and in the world. KIF carries out its activities in the showrooms 1 and 2, Salon 19,19, the design department and the space in front of the COOL-PARK center.
Over 200 events are held over the course of a year (art and other exhibitions, serious music concerts, book promotions, theater performances and other cultural events).
The Tourist Bureau of the City of Skopje has recently been functioning within the Cultural Information Center.

Address: "Mosha Pijade" bb
Phone:: + 389 (0) 2/ 3115-679
Fax: + 389 (0) 2/ 3230-206

The institution has been in continuity since 1954. works intensively on promoting all forms of cultural activities with a particular program purpose, with an educational cultural impact on all age groups of the population, while nurturing their true cultural needs.
The Center creates and promotes a variety of cultural and educational programs that encourage and impart knowledge through creative use of the citizens' free time, satisfying their own creative needs.
We successfully present our cultural artistic work in the city, the Republic and abroad.
We also work to raise public awareness of the needs of children with special needs in order to raise the quality of their lives.
Our institution is also a relevant multicultural environment for promoting and popularizing the cultural values of different ethnic communities.
The Institution implements the program activities in the following activities: literary, artistic, educational, musical and folklore. Organize Festivals: International Folk Festival "We play and sing together" and Multicultural Folk Festival.
Manifestations: Multicultural "Traveling through Stories", fine "Woman Symbol and Inspiration", "On Easter at Blagden", "From the Life of the Roma", "Day of the Albanian Alphabet" and "Days".
The literary activity realizes a program that has a balanced approach to all genres of the Macedonian literature and the literature of the other ethnic communities in the Republic of Macedonia and their current achievements. Нови New works have been presented, especially by well-known domestic authors, poets, short story writers, award-winning authors. We also promote emerging young authors. We pay special attention to our deceased contemporaries. We promote more important titles of translated works (especially award-winning authors of world literature for children).
Educational, educational, educational, cultural, economic, political and scientific contents are realized in different fields, always attentive and keeping up with current developments in the country and in accordance with the needs imposed by modern living.
Famous professors, academics, politicians, journalists participate in the forums, lectures, and debates that take place in cycles.
The art activity is engaged in themes, in the sphere of the specific values and characteristics of the Macedonian territory, in Skopje and beyond, in the sphere of spirituality, in the tradition, in the treasury of the secular and sacred cultural heritage, as well as in current issues of global character. nature, affirmation of old crafts, affirmation and presentation of other cultures.
The institution is open and accessible to all types of cooperation, cooperation with other cultural institutions, organizations, educational institutions, cultural workers in the city, in the Republic and beyond, cooperation with European cultural centers, and European cultural centers in the Republic of Macedonia. Collaboration with publishing houses, individuals and the private sector.
Most cultural events take place in both lounges (small and large) in the premises of the House, and part of the events outside the premises of the Institution.

Working hours of the Institution:
08:30- 16.00 h
Gallery opening hours:
08:30-20:00 h
Working hours during program activities:
14:00-22:00 h
Contact number:
Jovanka Hristovska
phone . 071232705
Address: st:"Veljko Vlahovic" 20A - Skopje
Fax: 02 3163-739
e-mail: dk.kocoracin@ gmail. com

Youth Cultural Center from Skopje is a cultural institution with 37 years of experience in encouraging, developing and affirming the creative work of young generations in all spheres of cultural creation.
The MKC is known to the public as the organizer and organizer of a number of important international and national festivals, competitions, exhibitions, performances, concerts, lectures and similar cultural events.
Characteristic and well-known activities of the MKC are: International Youth Open Theater Festival (MOT), International Film Festival
SINEDEJS, International Amateur Theatrical Festival PERSONS WITHOUT MASKS, WHITE NIGHT, International Event, MUSIC YOUNG SPORTS manifestation, organization of the event presentation of literary works of young authors, encouraging the work of the youngest within the Children's Creative Center, educational and research activities of the only Planetarium in Macedonia, work and performances abroad by the Women's Youth Choir and Mandolin Orchestra and large number of bands .

Address: st "Kej Dimitar Vlahov" bb
Phone: + 389 (0) 2/ 3115 508
Fax: + 389 (0) 2/ 3115 225

The museum was founded in 1949. In 1970 the Museum is housed in an adapted section of the old Railway Station which has 4,500 m2 of which 2,000 m2 is an exhibition space.
Since then until today as a complex museum he has been linking the activities in the field of archeology, history, ethnology, art history in the region of the city of Skopje.
In addition to systematic research, collection, arrangement, protection and preservation, the museum also performs expert processing and scientific study of museum material as well as its public presentation through thematic projects and exhibitions both domestically and abroad.
The museum holds a fund of 21,950 museum objects divided into four departments: archeology, history, ethnology and art history. The museum's fundraiser includes a donation of 182 photographs by the doyen of Macedonian art photography Blagoja Drnkov and a donation by Japanese graphic artist Ukijoe.
In 1991 Ljubomir Belogaski donated 159 pieces (mostly watercolors) to the City Museum of Skopje. This collection, which is of exceptional value, and the first of its kind in the country, enabled the establishment of a gallery at the Museum of the City of Skopje named after the donor Ljubomir Belogaski and in which his works are constantly exhibited in memory of him.
"Walk through the Past" is a permanent exhibition in the Museum that covers the period from Prehistory to the beginning of the 20th century for Skopje and its surroundings. "MAK - GRAF Open Graphic Studio" opened in 1994, which has an international character, is a space for constant contact between artists and the public, where graphic artists can create and exhibit their work.
In the Old Skopje Bazaar there are depandances of the Museum, and in Suli An is the permanent display of the "History of the Old Skopje Bazaar". "Memorial Museum of the KPJ Provincial Committee" and "Memorial Museum of the Illegal Weapons Workshop".

Address: st."Mito Hadzivasilev" bb
Phone: + 389 (0) 2/ 3115-367; 3113-609
Fax: + 389 (0) 2/ 3115-367
Working hours: 07.00-15.00

Immediately after the catastrophic earthquake in Skopje in 1963, the construction of the Universal Hall began as a permanent marking of the humanitarian action of foreign donors. Officially the Universal Hall began its work on January 1, 1966.
Exceptional stage and capacity conditions, along with all the accompanying features of the facility, in an amphitheatrical setting of the auditorium, allow optimal conditions for the audience to follow the performances of serious, entertaining, folk, ethno, blues and jazz concerts, poetry performances, fashion shows, presentations, congresses, counseling, forums, sporting events and other events.
The small stage with a capacity of up to 300 seats, acoustically resolved, allows for live performances of chamber performances, serious concerts and jazz.
The stage space available in the hall provides multiple variants of the stage use with a total area of 400m2.
Universal Hall has:
- Viewpoint with a capacity of 1500 seats
- Complete 15 kW audio system (JBL)
- 100 kW Light Park (ramp, scanners, fog machine, video cam, etc.)
- Possibility of audio and video recording
- Concert and semi-concert piano, trademark Petrof
- Orchestra space
- Complete set design solutions
- Exhibition space in the hall of the hall 70 meters long
- Manual buffet, cocktail buffet and promotions with a capacity of up to 80 guests

Address: Partizanski Odredi bb
Phone: ++38923245615
Fax: ++38923245081

Skopje Zoo was established in 1926 by a three-member commission led by Dr. Stanko Karaman.
In 1926 the present site was proposed, which at that time covered 4 acres of land, and the Garden had a modest number of animals mostly obtained as a gift.
With the decision of the City Hall in 1965 and the adoption of the elaborate in 1966 for a new urban solution, the Skopje Zoo gets its current look.
Today, the Garden is located on an area of 96,894 m2 and has 503 animals, of which: 261 birds of 36 species, mammals 226 of 42 species and reptiles 16 of 8 species.
The main activities of the Garden are: cultural, educational and scientific, its main purpose is to preserve, grow and present live exhibits and make them available to the general public.

Address: bul."Ilinden" no.88
Phone: + 389 (0) 2/ 3220-578
Fax: + 389 (0) 2/ 3116-657
Working hours: 07.00-19.00 h