Fire Brigade
Territorial Fire Brigade of the City of Skopje (BPPA)

The Protection and Rescue Department carries out activities in the field of protection and rescue, crisis management, defense and fire fighting in accordance with law and coordinates its work with other sectors within the administration of the City of Skopje.
Territorial Fire Brigade of the City of Skopje
- Extinguishing fires on the territory of the City of Skopje
- Removing the immediate danger of fire
- Saving citizens' lives and protecting property threatened by fires and explosions
- Providing technical assistance in accidents and hazardous situations
- Performing other activities in the event of accidents and disasters
- Provides unprofitable services for the purpose of improving technical equipment and operating conditions that may not prevent or impede the performance of the functions referred to in the preceding indents of this paragraph
- Together with the territorial firefighting units of the municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia established by law, act as firefighting units of the Republic of Macedonia for the purpose of operational action in extinguishing large fires throughout the territory of the Republic of Macedonia
- Assistance when required in extinguishing fires in other countries
- Keeping separate records of occurrences of fires, explosions, extinguishing interventions and other events according to the unique methodology and reporting of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue and the City of Skopje
- Periodic examination and checking of the fire safety equipment available to the Territorial Fire Department
- Ongoing repair and maintenance of the mechanics
- Providing fire safety facilities, delegations, public gatherings, sports and other events, in coordination with the Ministry of Interior
- Provides training in the field of fire protection of the ARM members
- Education of the citizens for fire protection, by organizing lectures, media and organizing other activities