The Council of the City of Skopje is a representative body of the citizens, having the power of decision-making within the frameworks of the City of Skopje’s competence.

The Council of the City of Skopje consists of 45 members elected on general, direct and free elections.
The members of the Council are elected for a period of four years. They represent the citizens and make decisions according to their personal assurance.
A member of the Council cannot be recalled from his/her function.
A member of the Council cannot be recalled from his/her function.

The Council of the City of Skopje is a representative body of the citizens, having the power of decision-making within the frameworks of the City of Skopje’s competence.
The Council of the City of Skopje consists of 45 members elected on general, direct and free elections.
The members of the Council are elected for a period of four years. They represent the citizens and make decisions according to their personal assurance.
A member of the Council cannot be recalled from his/her function.
A member of the Council cannot be recalled from his/her function.
The Council of the City of Skopje is a representative body of the citizens that makes decisions within the frameworks of the competence determined by the law and the Statute of the City of Skopje. According to the Self-government Act (‘Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia number 5/2002’) the City of Skopje has the following competence items:
To adopt the Statute of the City of Skopje and to pass other regulations;
To adopt both the City’s budget and the annual financial statement of the City of Skopje;
To determine the amount of its own funds resources regarding the financing of the City of Skopje, within the frameworks determined by the law.
To establish public service institutions within the frameworks of the City’s competence and to keep their operations under constant surveillance.
To adopt action plans and financial plans regarding the financing of the public service institutions established by the City of Skopje;
To adopt both the statements regarding the budget enforcement and the annual financial statement of the City of Skopje;
To make decisions regarding the issuing of license for the purpose of carrying out activity of public interest and of local importance, in compliance with the law;
To adopt the statements regarding the operations and the annual financial statements of the public service institutions established by the City of Skopje.
To make decisions regarding the manners of treatment of the property that the City of Skopje has at its disposal;
To make decisions about the possible manners of exercising financial control over the budget of the City of Skopje, in compliance with the law;
To choose the person who is to manage the local authority of the Ministry of Interior at the City of Skopje, in compliance with the law;
To review and adopt the Annual Report on the public security in the region of the City of Skopje and to submit it further to both the Minister of Interior and to the Ombudsman;
By making suggestions, to act as a consultant to the chief executive of the local authority of the Ministry of Interior regarding the field of public security and traffic safety and
To execute other operations determined by the law.

Prof. Dr. Trajko Slaveski
Prof. Dr. Trajko Slaveski
Coalition of VMRO-DPMNE
Trajko Slaveski
Luke Galeski
Zhaklina Shopova
Martin Stojanovski
Mirdita Saliu
Strasho Angelovski
Vasilka Kitanovikj
Petar Miletikj
Munira Kuch
Filip Janevski
Aneta Markovska Ilievska
Daniela Kostadinova
Toni Bojkovski
Anita Trajkovska
Luka Stefanoski
Stevo Kjirkov
Coalition of SDSM
Drita Baftiri Isljami
Ljubica Jancheva
Goran Arsov
Zoran Georgievski
Anzhelika Apsis
Gordan Shutarov
Gabriel Bajram
Liljana Bozhinovska
Amir Mustafa
Renata Jajoska
Ajselj Sejfula
Nezrane Rustemi
Rejhane Ramadani
Besnik Ajet
Lejla Asani
Halide Paloshi
Aleksandar Nikolovski
Katerina Jovanovska
Natasha Stamenova
Vanco Spaseski
Nikola Panovski
Teodora Krstevska
Coalition Alliance and Alternative
Kadri Hadzhihamza
Iseni Makfire
Group of voters - Dragana Velkovska
Dragana Velkovska
Gorjan Jovanovski
Иndependent council members
Irena Vitina
Aleksandar Trajanovski
Democratic Union
Slavche Jovanovski