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Projects of the City of Skopje
Current projects in the City of Skopje
Current Projects
The TERRAIN project is funded by the Interreg IPA Adrion 2021-2027 Programme (, which focuses on fostering economic development and cooperation within the Adriatic-Ionian Macro-region. Centered around experience sharing and co-design, the project aims to guide and support cities in their transition towards sustainable, smart urban mobility.
Overall objective: To increase and improve capacities of City of Skopje for transition to a circular economy and sustainable re-use of constructional and demolition waste through identification of illegal dumpsites, monitoring and interventions for closing constructional material cycle and avoiding future waste
COMMAND d is a project devised to help support operations command centre be prepared for disasters at a local level. The results of the project will facilitate and accelerate data reception, GIS analysis/ simulation of developments, and emergency data transfer.
MAtchUP is an EU-funded Smart City project involving three lighthouse cities Valencia (Spain), Dresden (Germany) and Antalya (Turkey) and four follower cities Ostend (Belgium), Herzliya (Israel), Skopje and Kerava (Finland).
SocialCar is an innovative approach to urban transport demand management and more specifically to carpooling in urban areas.
ROCK focuses on historic city centres as extraordinary laboratories to demonstrate how Cultural Heritage [CH] can be a unique and powerful engine of regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth for the whole city.
Over a period of many decades cities go through a transport investment and policy development cycle, which we can broadly simplify into three stages:
EPICURO is a two-year project starting from February 2017 to January 2019 and funded by European Union within the Directorate-General of the European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO).
EUCANET sustains active citizenship, enlarging civic involvement and commitment to the decision-making processes. Inspired by the Pact of Amsterdam for EU Urban Agenda, EUCANET explores how the urban political process can contribute to tighten the connection between the local and EU level, reframing the interaction between Urban Authorities (UA), local communities, civil society, business and know
The challenges of the contemporary urban societies have been surpassing its economic aspect and emanates as a structural, social, environmental and spatial crisis with devastating effect on transition societies. It has been followed by sharp inequalities and economic decline that have heavily influenced the transformations of the urban environment.
Promotion of segregated food waste collection from specific and various waste producers (food and beverage industry, catering, residential) in order to produce biofuel (biomethane) and usage through local filling stations network.
Within the project " Streetlight-EPC: Triggering the market uptake of energy performance contracting through street lighting refurbishment projects" will be implemented following three objectives:
The Ele.C.Tra project, with the help of pilot activities and preparation of model for promoting electric transport (electric scooters sharing in 3 major cities in Europe - Genoa, Florence and Barcelona) and portability of the model in other 7 cities (including the City of Skopje)
CASCADE is a 3-year project (2011-2014) of networking and mutual learning on local energy leadership. It supports cities in delivering the European Union 2020 targets for energy and climate change.
The project “Intelligent Tools for Policy Design” is financed by the European Union, within the FP7 Program, and aims to provide a completely new approach to the traditional policies. Through innovative methods, using the social networks and surveys, the FUPOL project will contribute towards improving the way politicians and administration communicate with the citizens.
NICHES+ builds further on the NICHES project, and is funded by the DG Research under the 7FP. It will run from May 2008 until April 2011. NICHES+ will involve 7 champion cities in the implementation of innovative concepts.
The Civitas Renaissance project, is another stage of this European community initiative. Apart from Szczecinek, there are also four other cities: Perugia, Bath, Skopje and Gorna Oriahovitsa. RENAISSANCE has an innovative approach in all demonstration measures as from the following areas:
The SEENET program is a decentralized cooperative initiative belonging to the Tuscan Region and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who are working in South East Europe to encourage local governments to become true catalysts of development and to guarantee steady social and economic growth.
Building Effective PArtnerships among European and Mediterranean Municipalities for Local The PAMLED Project aims at strengthening the capability of 3 Mediterranean and 5 European Municipalities (including South East Europe) in managing local development as well as in implementing innovative initiatives of economic promotion and environmental care in two fields of action:
SWEB “Secure, interoperable cross border m-services contributing towards a trustful European cooperation with the non-EU member Western Balkan countries” project is to develop secure prototype technologies ensuring their applicability in non-advanced infrastructures, implementing country-specific dissemination activities for their potential redeployment and broad application.
TRANSPOWER enables major actors in the field of urban transport such as municipal and regional authorities to implement concepts for environmentally friendly, resource-saving, secure and efficient urban mobility.